Ask the Experts: Peri-Procedural Patient Care – Webinar Episode 5

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Your expert panel covered topics not addressed in the prior Peri-procedural Considerations webinar, regarding pre-, intra-, and post-procedure patient care, and provided specific:

  • Tactics to Help Treat Patients with Contrast Media Allergies
  • Tips on Addressing Radiofrequency Neurotomy Challenges Posed by Patients with Pacemakers, Defibrillators, and Other Implanted Hardware
  • Selection Strategies for Injectate Composition and Volume
  • Viewpoints on Which Procedures Are Best Performed in Offices, Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs), or Hospital Settings
  • Information on the Features of Proper Informed Consent

Your expert panel for this December 5, 2023 webinar included:

  • Zachary L. McCormick, MD, IPSIS Treasurer, and Vice Chair and Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) at the University of Utah; and
  • W. Evan Rivers, DO, IPSIS Research Division Chair and a physiatrist at the VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System.

The panel was moderated by Michael B. Furman, MD, MS, Fellowship Director at OSS Health and Chair of the IPSIS Membership Committee.

Listen on the go — make "Ask the Experts" your new go-to podcast! Besides the video, an audio download is also available here.

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Materials presented in this activity have been made available by the International Pain and Spine Intervention Society for educational purposes only.


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Ask the Experts Webinar: Peri-Procedural Patient Care
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