Ask the Experts: Insurance Approvals and Denials – Webinar Episode 4

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In this session, our experts provided:|
  • Tactics to Navigate Medicare/Medicaid and Avoid Recoupment and Penalties
  • Tips on Avoiding Peer-to-Peer Reviews — Regardless of Region
  • Approaches for Medicare and Private Payer Prior Authorization
  • Information on Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) and UCR (Usual, Customary, and Reasonable) Rates
  • Strategies to Document and Schedule ESIs, Facet, SIJ Interventions
  • Methods to Utilize Advance Beneficiary Notices (ABNs) of Non-Coverage to Get Paid for Services Not Usually Covered by Medicare

Your expert panel for this October 23, 2023 webinar included:

  • D. Scott Kreiner, MD, a physiatrist and interventional spine specialist at Barrow Neurological Institute who also serves on the IPSIS Board as a Member-at-Large; and
  • Richard W. Rosenquist, MD, Chairman of the Department of Pain Management in the Anesthesiology Institute of the Cleveland Clinic.

The panel was moderated by Michael B. Furman, MD, MS, Fellowship Director at OSS Health and Chair of the IPSIS Membership Committee.

Listen on the go — make "Ask the Experts" your new go-to podcast! Besides the video, an audio download is also available here.

© 2023 International Pain and Spine Intervention Society – All Rights Reserved
Materials presented in this activity have been made available by the International Pain and Spine Intervention Society for educational purposes only.


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Ask the Experts Webinar: Insurance Approvals and Denials
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